Cumberland FA Youth Players


Preparing for the return of football

In preparation for the return of football once current restrictions are lifted, now is an ideal time for you to check that you as coaches / volunteers have an up to date Safeguarding qualification. 

This qualification can be renewed online for those that have an expired Safeguarding qualification or one that is due to expire in the next 6 months.

Access The FA Online Safeguarding Children Re-certification

In addition to the re-certification, there are several other courses available to volunteers involved in grassroots football.

Safeguarding courses

The FA Safeguarding for Committee Members

This course will support you, as a committee member, to identify your individual and collective responsibility in safeguarding, so as a team you create an environment where the wellbeing of children and young people (under 18s) is central to all that you do.

Access The FA Safeguarding for Committee Members 

The FA Guide to Safeguarding Adults

This module explores the meaning of ‘safeguarding adults’ and ‘adult at risk’

It looks at:
• the context of abuse – and the signs and indicators
• how to report any concerns
• how to use safeguards to reduce the risk of harm

Access The FA Guide to Safeguarding Adults

Medical Courses

The FA Concussion Guidelines

Learn how to recognise and manage a concussion from the time of injury through to a player's safe return to football. 
By completing the short module you will earn The FA's Concussion Certificate and be able to download the full Concussion Guidelines.

Access The FA Concussion Guidelines 

The FA Guide to Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Unfortunately, a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) can happen to anyone. The learning is designed to help you to recognise an SCA and respond appropriately.
From next year, the module will become a compulsory element of The FA’s ‘Introduction to First Aid in Football’ (iFAiF) but will remain accessible and relevant to all FAN users.

Access The FA Guide to Sudden Cardiac Arrest 



If you have any Safeguarding queries, please contact