Champions Crowned at Ability Counts Finale
The Cumberland Ability Counts League finale took place in Penrith on Tuesday 9 October, when a fantastic showcase of disability football rounded off what has been a memorable league season.
Since April, almost 100 players across the three divisions have played regular fixtures at the central venue in Penrith. The monthly league fixture dates have brought together PAN disability teams from across the county, providing matches in a friendly and safe environment.
With each team playing between 16-18 fixtures across the season, there has been plenty of football enjoyed throughout the six months.
Division 1: Unisun Mental Health FC
Division 2: Carlisle Mencap Reivers FC 2
Division 3: Carlisle Mencap Reivers FC 3
Ray Sempill, Football Development Officer for Cumberland FA, said: “This was a fitting end to a brilliant season, with some excellent games and celebrations on show. Congratulations to the division winners and to the players who have achieved their FA Level 1 Coaching certificate.”
The league wouldn’t be possible without the support of the coaches and others behind the scenes, allowing the players to focus solely on the games and enjoy each league fixture. The Eden PCSO’s have attended throughout the season, giving support to players and volunteers.
Now in its seventh season, the league has been hosted and supported by Penrith Leisure Centre since 2014, which has allowed the number of teams and divisions to increase following the growth of the game in Cumberland. The league is open to all teams across Cumbria, with Westmorland-based Riversiders United FC playing since 2012.
New for this season, we were delighted to welcome The Cumberland on board as headline sponsors. The support from The Cumberland has meant the league has been rebranded, showcasing the PAN disability league across the county of Cumberland. Their support behind the scenes has meant the league has been able to offer additional FA Coaching qualifications for participants.
Cumberland FA would like to thank The Cumberland for their support and presence on league evenings throughout the season and for the finale evening. Thanks also to Becky Towns and Andrew for presenting the medals, trophies and awards.
Ray Sempill continued: “We’re looking forward to the 2019 season already and plans are well underway for the new season, with The FA People's Cup in February being the kick-off to the New Year. We hope the league continues to grow next season - any organisations or teams interested in getting involved can contact me for more information.”
Becky Towns, The Cumberland’s Community Fund Co-ordinator, added: “Every year we support a wide variety of activities that provide opportunities for young people and adults that will benefit their physical and mental wellbeing. We’re really proud to be supporting the Cumberland FA’s Ability Counts League over the next three years, especially having seen first-hand the real difference this league is making to people from within our local communities. The Ability Counts League also provides some great social benefits to those taking part and we’re excited about being able to support their plans to grow the league.”
Visit The Cumberland Ability Counts League website for more details on the fixtures and tables:
For more information on Disability football, visit
If you’re interested in getting involved as a player, volunteer or coach - or if you’re an organisation interested in entering the league - please contact Ray Sempill on 01900 511800 or
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