Cash For Kids

Cumberland FA Named Cash for Kids Challenge Finalists

Cumberland FA is delighted to announce that it has been confirmed as a finalist in the CFM Cash for Kids Sports Challenge – a fundraising competition which aims to support local disadvantaged and disabled sports groups for under 18s.

The County FA, which was one of ten sports groups in Cumbria and South West Scotland to take part, has reached the final alongside Cumbria Wheelchair Sports Club, Wigton Amateur Boxing Club and Carlisle Reivers Pan Disability Football.

The main aim behind Cumberland FA’s involvement is to raise money to support the creation of new PAN disability football centres in Cumberland and a PAN disability junior festival programme which offers organised fixtures, as well as supporting CFM Cash for Kids.

With local pan disability football clubs across the county already providing weekly or monthly sessions, it is hoped that this festival programme will bring the clubs together to play in a relaxed and positive environment, providing players with a bespoke programme that suits their needs.

The junior festival programme will mirror the successful adult Cumberland Ability Counts League, providing a full player pathway for players with a disability in Cumberland.

Ray Sempill, Cumberland FA Football Development Officer, said: “We’re delighted to be a finalist in the CFM Cash for Kids Sports Challenge and are working on fundraising ideas locally to reach our £1,000 target. I’d like to congratulate the other finalists and wish them all the best in their fundraising efforts.”

Cumberland FA is currently planning fundraising ideas and more information will be available in due course. To find out more about our campaign and to donate, please CLICK HERE

If you would like to support our fundraising, or if you have an idea of your own, please contact Ray on or 07807 665543.

Find out more about the fantastic work CFM Cash for Kids do for local children in Cumbria and South West Scotland by CLICKING HERE 

The fundraising competition ends on Monday 15 October.

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