Summer Training Programme
Cumberland FA and Every Life Matters, Cumbria continue to work together To Help Raise The Profile Of The Organisation Across The Cumberland Football Family.
Every Life Matters strives to take a fresh, innovative and long term approach to suicide prevention and suicide bereavement support in Cumbria. At the heart of their approach to suicide prevention is the belief that all members of the local community can have a part to play in suicide prevention.
Every Life Matter's training aims to reduce the stigma attached to suicide, increase understanding of when someone is at risk of suicide, raise awareness of how to practically support someone, and the range of services and resources available for people in our communities experiencing suicidal thoughts.
The Summer Training Programme offers a wide range of courses to support people across the County
All these courses are fully funded for people living or working in Cumbria (except Youth MHFA which is heavily subsidised) and can be booked by clicking on the link: Every Life Matters Events | Eventbrite
Please note after these current courses Every Life Matters, Cumbria will not be offering open courses until September 2022. Although in-house training may still be available. Please email Every Life Matters for more information on 'in-house' training.
Completion of the training will also qualify individuals for the countywide Orange Button scheme.
This 2 hour online session gives you the skills and tools to support an individual to develop their own safety plan. It is suitable for anyone in a support role who has already taken one of our suicide awareness or alertness courses, and wants to gain further skills in helping someone create a safety plan. This is an orange button training.
This three hour online training session is suitable for school staff, health and social care practitioners, and anyone in the community who wants to know more about self-harm, and how they can support someone who is self-harming.
There is a focus on young people but the learning is transferable across all ages.
This hour long session provides an insight into Mental Health, Self Harm and Suicide it is designed as an introduction for parents and carers or anyone who works with young people.
Tuesday 10th May 10am- 11am
Wednesday 8th June 12pm-1pm
Suicide Awareness
This one hour online training session is aimed at anyone who wants to understand more about suicide, how to know when someone may be having thoughts of suicide, how to talk directly and comfortably about suicide, and what we can all do to offer practical support.
Tuesday 10th May 12pm- 1pm
Wednesday 8th June 10am-11am
Suicide First Aid
This course teaches and practices the skills and knowledge needed to identify someone who may be thinking about suicide and competently intervene to help create suicide-safety as a first aid approach. The course is taught using tutor-facilitated Socratic learning, mini-lectures, group work and audio-visual presentations. This is a highly interactive and emotionally engaging learning experience delivered via zoom.
Thursday 9th June 9:30am - 1pm
Tuesday 5th July 9:30am – 1pm
Emotional Resilience
This Connecting with People half day training aims to enhance our own emotional resilience
Date: Tuesday June 14th 9:30am-12:30pm
Youth MHFA – 2 day course
Every Life Matters are pleased to be able to offer a face to face 2 day Youth MHFA course at Queen Katherine School in Kendal on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th July – at a heavily subsidised rate of £80.
Every Life Matters are delighted to be able to deliver several of these workshops on behalf of Cumbria County Council fully funded for school staff across Cumbria.