Bundle of Balls

Cumberland FA AGM 2023-24 details

We can confirm details for our 2023-24 AGM.

Please see below notice for associate members wishing to attend this season’s AGM.

Date: Tuesday 9th January 2024 
Time: 7.00pm
Venue: Cumberland FA Offices, Tithe House, Station Street, Cockermouth 

Alternatively, you can join the AGM on Microsoft Teams here.

General Information

What is the Agenda for the AGM? 

Please see attached the Agenda for the 2023-24 AGM as well as a document which provides further detail as to the planned votes on the evening. 

If you have any questions or queries regarding the votes then e-mail Ben.Snowdon@CumberlandFA.com

Please download and read the documents in relation to the upcoming AGM below. 

Do we need to attend the AGM? 

Attendance at the AGM is not compulsory for clubs, but we do ask that you return your voting form. 

How Long Does the AGM last? 

Depending upon the number of questions, the AGM will usually be conducted in under 30 minutes. 

What do I need to do if I wish to attend the AGM? 

If you wish to do wish to attend the AGM in person then please complete the Admission/Proxy Form – you do not need to return it to us but instead bring it with you to the AGM. Registration for the AGM will be open from 6.30pm.

What do I need to do if I do not wish to attend the AGM? 

If you do not wish to attend the meeting in person then we ask that you instead appoint a Proxy.

If you, as club secretary, are unable to attend the AGM and/or if you wish to appoint a proxy to attend, speak and vote on your behalf at the AGM you must complete the Proxy Appointment Form.  

You will see from the Proxy Appointment Form that you can either (i) appoint the Chairman to vote on your behalf (as you have instructed in the form); or (ii) appoint another person to attend (in person), speak and vote on your behalf.

Please note that the Proxy Appointment Form must identify the name of the associate member wishing to appoint a proxy, whether this is an individual or an organisation (such as CFA member, League or Club).

Unless you indicate otherwise on the Proxy Appointment Form, your proxy will be entitled to vote as they see fit on any resolution.

To appoint the Chair as your Proxy or an alternative associate member then please complete the whole form and send it to Ben Snowdon at Ben.Snowdon@CumberlandFA.com 

Proxy Appointment Forms must be received by 5pm on Monday 8th January 2024.  Please note that any Proxy Appointment Forms received after this time will not be accepted.

Can I watch the AGM online? 

You Can Watch the AGM via Teams.  However, you will need to have completed the Admission/Proxy Form to speak on any matters. 

You will also need to have completed the Admission/Proxy Form with your votes (as no online votes will be collated). 

Who can Vote?  

In line with the Articles of the Association Affiliated Senior Clubs and all Sanctioned Leagues are classed as a voting member and are therefore entitled to vote on any ancillary or procedural resolutions put to the meeting.


If you require any assistance with directions, accessibility or any other elements of the AGM then again please do not hesitate to contact me.

Annual Report

You can read our 2022-23 Annual Report below, or by clicking here.


If you require any further information or clarification in respect of the above then please do not hesitate to contact Chief Executive Ben Snowdon on Ben.Snowdon@CumberlandFA.com