Red January

Beat the blues with Red January!

We're taking part in Red January to move every day during one of the toughest months of the year.

As a nation we're less active in the winter, something that's often linked with lower mood, energy, and increased depressive symptoms.

RED January is here to provide everyone with a free and inclusive way to boost their activity levels and wellbeing.

By taking part, not only will you be supporting your own wellbeing, you can support others too by fundraising for movement and mental health projects around the country.

The staff team at Cumberland FA will be taking part in Red January to move every day during one of the toughest months of the year.

We have created a Cumberland FA Grassroots Team 24 to bring together the grassroots community, so if you would like to join us and kick start 2024 in a positive way, click on the link and sign up to join the team!