Penrith make donation

Penrith Walking Football make donation to PAPYRUS

A £300 donation was made to the suicide prevention charity, PAPYRUS

Last week, Penrith Walking Football made a presentation to Andy Airey MBE of Three Dads Walking, with a £300 donation made to the suicide prevention charity, PAPYRUS.

Andy Airey, Mike Palmer and Tim Owen - three fathers who sadly lost their daughters to suicide - were recently appointed MBEs in the King's Birthday Honours list for services to the prevention of young suicide for their work as Three Dads Walking.

So far, their walks have generated well over £1m for PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide, enabling the charity to accelerate its growth plans. In 2023, PAPYRUS extended the opening hours of its suicide prevention helpline from 9am-midnight to a 24/7 service, and has also been able to open more offices. When 3 Dads Walking first got together PAPYRUS had five offices spread across the country, it now has 18 and more in the pipeline.


Andy came along with his wife and gave a little talk about PAPYRUS and was extremely pleased with the donation. 

This is the second donation Penrith Walking Football have made recently, as last month the club made one of £200 to the Eden Young Carers, who went on a trip to Dunfries Ice rink.

For more information on the charity PAPYRUS, and to reach out for help if you need it, please click the link below.