Youth Football in Cumberland

Affiliation for Clubs Now Open

It’s that time of the year again, when clubs in Cumberland prepare for the new season and affiliate with the County FA.

Please note some important details below:

• Junior Clubs, Veterans Teams and Women's League Teams must complete affiliation by 30th June 2018

• Adult Clubs must complete affiliation by 31st July 2018

FA CRIMINAL RECORD CHECKS (CRC) - All coaches with under-18 teams MUST hold a valid and accepted FA CRC. Please contact your Club Welfare Officer for assistance with this process.

If your team / club are playing in a Summer Festival from 1 July onwards, the club must be affiliated prior to playing.

It is now mandatory at Clubs with Under-18 teams for a minimum of four Committee Members (i.e. the Chairperson, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Welfare Officer) at your club to complete the FREE online safeguarding for committee members course. (Please note, this season the Treasurer must also complete the course)

Welfare Officer – We recognise that volunteers in grassroots football clubs work extremely hard to safeguard the youngsters in their clubs. To help lighten the load, it is a recommendation from Cumberland FA that any club with more than five teams should have two Club Welfare Officers. Likewise, if there are mixed teams of boys and girls, we would advocate that there is a male and a female CWO. If clubs use this model the workload is spread out, and it’s also a way of contingency planning should a CWO be unavailable for whatever reason.

Changing or adding a Club Welfare Officer?

Details of a Welfare Officer Workshop taking place at Cumberland FA HQ on Thursday 30th August 2018 can be accessed by CLICKING HERE

For further information on club affiliation, please CLICK HERE

Clubs can affiliate through the Whole Game System now by CLICKING HERE


If you are a new club, please contact us as soon as possible, providing your proposed club name and secretary details (name, address, date of birth, e-mail address, telephone number).

Like our Facebook Page or follow us on Twitter @CumberlandFA to stay up to date with local football news. We’re also on Instagram @cumberlandfa